The festive season can be a lot of fun, but not for phones! Fónfix, Ireland's leading smartphone repair service, is braced for the usual seasonal surge in repairs – as our phones suffer the consequences of our busier social lives!
With a remarkable track record of repairing over 100,000 phones annually, the team at Fónfix has truly seen it all – from the most common mobile mishap of screen damage from being dropped onto a hard surface, to a gifted phone, fresh from the box, simply not charging! There’s almost always a way to fix the problem, but many people make a bad situation worse, by not making the most of their warranty, or choosing dodgy repair shops to get their phones fixed!

Fónfix is a brand you can trust, having just achieved a ground-breaking milestone by becoming an Apple Authorised Service Provider, marking a significant milestone in the company's journey. This exciting development cements Fónfix as the sole Irish company accredited by major industry leaders such as Apple, Samsung, Google, and Huawei.
It's important to know your rights! You don’t need to have registered your warranty when you purchased your device, and you don’t need your original receipt to avail of warranty service – which is usually 24 months. Check if you’re eligible for a free repair now - or let Fónfix check for you – free of charge.
Even better, choosing Fónfix for repairs will guarantee your all-important warranty is protected unlike other unaccredited repair shops!

Fónfix have compiled some simple tips to help steer you and your mobile safely through the months ahead!
1. Prep Your Phone For Partying:
Take the time to sync or download your precious photos and make sure you can find your phone if it does go missing – whether an iPhone or an Android, there’s a tracking app that can help. If you do lose your phone, you won’t have lost what’s on it, and stand the best chance of getting it back! Also, top tip for silly season is to make sure your mobile device is password locked.
2. Invest In a Good Phone Case and Screen Protector:
It’s the best way to avoid damage if you drop your phone. And if the worst happens, Fónfix can fix this issue, usually cheaper than unofficial stores, using manufacturer approved parts without invalidating any further warranty.
3. Take Care in the Toilet!:
The “phone fell down the toilet” scenario is one of the most common causes of water damage seen by Fónfix, and never more so than at this time of year.
4. Dodge Dodgy App Downloads:
If you’re lucky enough to get a new phone for Christmas, there’s a temptation to try out some interesting apps. But Fónfix recommends that you only download apps from reputable stores, such as Google play store or the App Store on Apple. Otherwise you could download a virus creating a security issue, or worse!
5. Battery Life:
Getting into a battery charging routine is extremely important for your Smartphone to ensure the longevity of the health of your smartphone battery. Continuous charging or over-charging can degrade the quality of your Smartphone battery rapidly and may reduce your battery lifespan. And don’t forget that it is possible to change your battery and give your Smartphone a new lease of life!
6. Mind Your Phone and it Will Mind You!:
Smartphones can add so much to our social lives, so make sure you take care of your phone this party season. Remember to pop a portable battery in your handbag and your phone will keep its energy as long as you do!
Fónfix Managing Director Dean Hickey said: “70% of consumers aren’t aware that they could be availing of free repairs under their warranty coverage. But by paying significant fees for low-quality repairs in unapproved repair shops, they invalidate their warranty – making a bad situation worse! We want everyone to have a fun festive season, and if a phone repair is needed, Fonfix is there for them. It’s absolutely the best and safest option, and very often covered by warranty!”
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Slán go fóill.